About this site
(This site is running the Casper theme.)
Hi, my name is Jen.
This site is my sandbox and playground for developing themes, feature plugins, functional add-ons and other components for the Ghost Publishing Platform.
My aim here is to provide (and point to other) collections of re-usable templates, code snippets, and tutorials for those of us who are not coders, but rather front-end developers and "tinkerers" like me who enjoy learning to be creative with the UI (user-interface) of Ghost.
If you are coming from the Wordpress community to the Ghost community and are having a learning curve in the transition you might enjoy this site.
You can read this post to learn about my simple development environment.
So don't be surprised if occasionally you find this site changing its look and feel (or a little broken here and there) as I "tinker".
You can often find me posting and replying on the Ghost Forum:

You can also find out about more of my online activities and services at my Denver Geeks business website...

...and more specifically on the Projects page of that site.