Ghost Blog Flip-Book Theme
Below is a Ghost Blog themed as a Flip-Book. I've embedded that site into this page using an iFrame... you can swipe to turn the pages if you're using a touch screen. Or, you can click the bottom of the pages...
You can also CLICK HERE to visit that Ghost Flip-Book site directly!
I'm currently working on a pluggable "flip-book.hbs" template for use in any Ghost site, to display a collection (via a page route) of posts like this in a fun "book-like" format.
Ghost Themes - Dynamic URLs & Routing
Build dedicated URL structures using Ghost’s dynamic routing system, for custom homepages, podcasts, categories and more.
I've updated and modified the original "Ghost Stories" Flip-Book Theme for Ghost from CoDrops using BookBlock.js
CoDrops is a wonderfully creative front-end web development community, you should check it out.